Saturday, August 13, 2016

Where to Begin...

      Writers write. Bloggers blog. I wonder if a writer is a natural blogger? My past experiences with blogging make me doubt that. Spending the wee hours of the morning polishing up a story, I will happily do. Maintaining a blog is another matter. This doesn't came natural for me. Perhaps this is due to decades of keeping a private journal which makes such an open format seem foreign. Or maybe I have some yet undiscovered form of social anxiety that only applies to online communications. More likely I am simply dragging my feet. Everyone blogs and the rebel in me wants to plaster on some black lipstick and yell "you're not the boss of me, Internets!"
      As much as the fabulous outsider persona (and some black lipstick) sound lovely, I must acknowledge there are perks to this whole blogging thing, especially for a writer. The day of writers hiding in relative anonymity have long since been dead and buried. Today's writers engage online. So, little miss rebel is going to have to step aside and let adult me make a good first impression, or at least an honest one.
      I'm challenging myself here. I don't claim to be a blogger expert or even have a focused theme. I'm simply going to keep putting something out here. Expect book and movie reviews, random thoughts, and possibly some bits of interesting information I come across. Welcome to my inner world. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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